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The Austin Wealth Fund (BlackRock) that bet million of dollars against Trump Media: did Wall Street take part in the plot to kill Trump?

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By Cesare Sacchetti

If we were living during the times of Ancient Rome, we would have warned Trump about the dangers that the Ides

of July could bring to him instead of the Ides of March that were fatal to Julius Caesar.

Caesar was already one of the most prominent figures in Rome before his death. He had conquered Gallia and showed a remarkable political intelligence that few other characters in history have shown.

Before his death, there were many bad omens about his future. A fortune teller tried to warn him and tell  him to stay away from the Senate on March 15th, 44 b.c.

His wife, Calpurnia, had a very bleak dream about her house falling on her and she, holding in her arms the  corpse of her beloved husband.

Yet Caesar did not listen. Perhaps deeply in his mind, he probably knew that an obscure plot had been hatched against  him.  Nonetheless, he preferred on that fateful day to walk to the Senate and fulfill his destiny rather than waiting for his death in his old age.

A handful of senators conspired against him. Amongst them there were Brutus and Cassius, main characters of  Shakespearean drama and shades placed by Dante in the last circle of hell, where traitors dwell.

President Trump probably had not received the same omens about what was about to happen on him  just 8 days ago on July 13th. Personally we are still amazed at how he managed to survive that attack.

More details of the assassination attempt are emerging as we will see later, but now we would like to focus our attention on some unusual movements that happened in the stock market the day before the attack.

The put options against Trump and the 9/11 precedent

An investment fund, the Austin Wealth Fund, placed an enormous amount of put options against Trump Media, a firm owned by Trump, Austin Wealth Fund shorted 12 million dollars’ worth of shares  and placed 120,000 put options against the same title.

Bloomberg listed 120,000 put options against Trump media but later it removed the data

For those who are not too familiar with the concept of put options, they are basically bets against the shares of a certain title in the market.

If we place these bets, we believe that the shares of a particular firm will go down and we hope to profit  from that crash.

But if we do that, it’s because oftentimes, we have some inside information that we are not supposed to have, as what had happened around the time of 9/11.

Some weeks before the attacks against the Twin Towers, there were some “operators” who knew very well what was about to happen in the coming days.

These investors placed thousands of put options against some airline stocks and they hugely profited from the collapse of the WTC.

Likewise, there is another individual who made huge profits off that tragedy, and we are talking about Larry Silverstein, a Jewish real estate entrepreneur and former owner of the WTC.

Mr. Silverstein seems to have a gift for timing. He bought the complex of the WTC in January 2001, 8 months before the attacks.  “Coincidentally”,  he insured the building against plane hits and managed to  gain almost 4 billion dollars from the 9/11 terrorist attacks.

These already singular circumstances become even more strange if we consider that WTC 7 did not collapse because a plane hit the building, but because the complex was pulled down through a controlled demolition as Silverstein himself admitted.

The clip where Silverstein admits that WTC Y was pulled down through a controlled demolition

All this would have required a serious probe about the insider information that he had received and who  had authorized the placement of explosives in WTC 7, considering the fact that the setting of a controlled  demolition is not a matter of hours, but rather of weeks.

This clearly means that the whole operation had been conceived in advance. It was certainly not dreamt of in some remote cave in Afghanistan but in the offices of New York, a city which is heavily dominated by Wall Street  and Ashkenazi finance.

The Bush administration had no interest in finding the truth. As soon as the events unfolded, Bush did  exactly what his handlers wanted.

He launched an attack against Afghanistan based upon the false grounds that Osama bin Laden and the  Taliban were involved. The real reason was that the Taliban government represented a serious threat for drug trafficking because they were destroying the opium poppy crops, and, by doing so, they were killing the heroin trade.

Wall Street and the Israeli lobby were the real winners of those attacks and their agenda made a brutal step forward.

The New World Order seemed unstoppable at that time. The American empire was crashing every threat to  this plan and to the Greater Israel “dream”, the final goal of the Jewish state, which does not even pretend  to hide it, given the fact that they put the Greater Israel map on their army uniform and on Israeli coins.

We are now living a completely different historical phase and we are now witnessing the demise of the American empire.

Globalism is on the ropes but the wounded beast managed to conceive another, probably the last, major  conspiracy to stop Trump from definitely pulling the plug to the global governance project.

Like we saw on 9/11, there were some entities ready to profit off the Trump assassination attempt and we  can see the same pattern that preceded the terrorist attacks against the WTC and the Pentagon.

The day before the attack, the Austin Wealth Fund seemed quite convinced that Trump’s firm would  collapse on the markets.

If we look at this investment fund, we learn some very interesting information. The owners of this firm are  the ubiquitous duopoly of BlackRock and Vanguard.

Where ever we look at, we find these two investment funds. We find them in Coca-Cola, Chevron, Apple, Microsoft, Delta, McDonald’s and many other big corporations.

The owners are unknown and can be traced only by taking into consideration the money invested in these  funds, and if we do so, we find the “usual suspects”.

We find the lords of Ashkenazi finance, namely the Rothschilds, the Rockefellers, the Morgans, the Warburgs and the DuPonts.

Austin Wealth is connected to the Israeli lobby

Austin Wealth is even interesting because of its closeness with the Israeli lobby.

On its website, the investment fund proudly announces its partnership with the following entities: Congregation Beth Israel,

headed by rabbi Philip Kaplan; the ACLU, which was historically influenced by Jewish figures like Steven

Shapiro and Nadine Strassen; the summer camp Young Judea, which has the mission to indoctrinate  American Jews to the idea of moving to Israel and considering the Jewish state as their first motherland;  the Shalom Austin community which is one of the most important places for the Jewish community and  finally, the Austin Jewish Academy and the ADL, which has the reputation of being a censor in American life,  always ready to label as “anti-Semite” those who are critical of Israel.

The Israeli and Jewish organization that have a parternship with Austin Wealth Fund

The Jewish and Israeli worlds surround this investment fund and this is certainly interesting if we consider the fact that in these days the MSM outlets are trying to convince us that the plan to kill Donald Trump was the result of an Iranian conspiracy. They want you to ignore the fact that the shooter was a Jewish regular of the Butler synagogue in Pennsylvania and ignore the fact that these very same investment funds that seem to believe that something very bad could happen to Trump are all connected to Israel.

The closer we look at the events of Butler, the more we see the same hands that conspired against JFK at  Dallas. They are the same hands that conceived the 9/11 attacks to drag America and the world towards the  “dream” of the global totalitarian state in which we were on the brink to fall at the times of the Covid  terrorist operation.

The nature of these powers is authoritarian. They despise nations, God and everything that  embodies the spirit of Christianity.

The New World Order is about order out of chaos, and its “order” is none other than a world empire filled  with the unholy spirit of the Babel Tower.

This time, however, things went south for the lords of chaos. We still believe that Divine Providence  stepped in Butler and miraculously saved Trump from this assassination attempt.

The miracle appears to be even bigger if what is emerging in these days about the foiled conspiracy is true.

At Butler, there were probably two snipers. Witnesses seem to agree on the presence of another shooter on the water tower, and if this were to be confirmed, it would mean that Crooks was the classic patsy, while the real assassins were operating behind the stage.

According to Tony Seruga, a former NSA contractor, the shooter at the water tower fled the scene as soon as he and Crooks failed to killTrump and a car registered to the Department of Agriculture helped him leave the crime scene.

The timing of the assassination attempt is even more revealing because of his close proximity to the RNC convention.

Nikki Haley attended the event despite the fact that she was not supposed to be there. Haley is known for being a Zionist hawk and she’s very close to Chabad Lubavitch, a powerful Zionist sect that recently was in the spotlight because of the discovery of secret tunnels in its synagogue.

Inside those tunnels were plenty of dirty mattresses and there was also a children’s highchair, something that evoked horrific images in our minds.

Chabad’s mouthpiece, Rabbi Saltzman, claimed that the believers use those mattresses to place bodies in them and perform a rite to summon the spirits of the dead ones.

We are talking about necromancy, a witchcraft practice that is considered demonic in Christianity but not evidently in Chabad to which nobody even asked to whom those corpses belonged to.

We guess that maybe such a question could be considered “anti-Semitic” by the ADL.

However, everything seemed ready to replace Trump. The stage was set at the RNC, and Haley’s last  minute invitation was probably the outcome of a predetermined script.

This script being where the king dies and his successor is picked by the conspirators. Unfortunately for them the outcome turned out to be very different for this den of traitors.

The plan was botched and tremendously backfired. And as we speak, Trump is probably at work to trace the  conspirators.

The sand in the hourglass of globalism seems to be running out.

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  1. Roark

    This is Pure Gold as usual Cesare! Thank you.

  2. Leni Valenta

    Dear Cesare, IThere has been at least one article that that young Crooks had an unknown handler, and a second shooter has also been noted by some sites. Unfortunately , since the, Trump fell into the trap of agreeing to an ABC sponsored debate with Kamala Harris, he did not win it . He didn’t lose any voters, but he may have gained some of the uninformed. Bill O’Neil has analyzed how ABC, completely run by ass hole democrats, threw soft balls at Kamala and hard balls at Trump. He still has a chance, according to polls, but I do not expect that he will win as a lot of illegal immigrant votes will likely be counted.
    By the way, Cesare, I am married to a genius type who formerly taught Soviet and East European History at the U.S. Naval Postgraduate School You can use Dr. Jiri Valenta as a resource on Russia. He was the only person possibly in the world who predicted a Trump victory against Hillary, but in 2016 but as of now he can make no prediction.
    Sadly, your news has been completely removed by the Democratic Party news media and Italygate is no longer eben mentioned.. i will do my best to see if I can get this published here, but we now have what Bobby Kennedy Jr. described as not “misinformation”” but “malinformation” which is anything the democrats don’t like.


    • Cesare Sacchetti

      Hello Leni, thanks a lot for your message. I don’t know why you give so much importance to the debate, which was won by Trump anyway according to several indipendent polls. Kamala has no chances and the first to know that is the Democratic party itself. I was also one of the few who predicted in Italy Trump’s victory, but, of course, I don’t have an important profile as your husband has. Write me whenever you want and thanks again!


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